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Kids Deserve Dads is a Nonprofit organization who relies heavily on volunteers and donors. The fact that you are here on this page is appreciated and we are looking forward to having you support us in our upcoming events and growth of the Nonprofit. We use volunteers at all our events that go to support families building better relationships.  These people are spokesmen in honest ways to highlight the issues while presenting solutions to problems, and spreading the word about what we are doing to bring about positive change.

We are constantly looking to work with community members who want to help us bring positive change to the community. We pride ourselves on providing relationship building activities often for our families and the volunteers who dedicate themselves to making these events a hit are central to our families having the best experience. We do events nearly every month and look forward to working with you in an event that you are excited about.


Contact us through the form at the bottom of our page and/or call today and lets help Kids and their fathers build the relationships that will last a lifetime.

If you would like to Volunteer with us, we have several positions available, such as:

Board Members (who help determine the direction of the organization)

State Directors (who facilitate Operations and Administration within their area of responsibility)

Regional Directors (who support State Directors)

Photographers for Events (who show who we are, what we do, how we are doing it)

Program Coordinators:
 - Outdoor (briinging people together to have fun, making sure people are experienced and Certified!)
 - Outreach (Work events and let Dads know we exist)
 - Legal support to include Legislative Action / Lobbyists
 - General Volunteer Coordinator (Personnel Tracking)
 - Faith-Based (a Chaplain for Staff and Subject Matter Expert for Volunteers) to have Assistants as the organization grows

Peer Support Group Leaders (who participate in the Round Table Service and facilitate discussion and concerns shared by Dads)